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Alpha Delta Pi (ADPi) Christmas party for 2006.

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Beth Leeker, Reem Hafez, Megan Watson, Emily Skipper, Ashley Marz, and Caitlin Miller (from left) opening gifts at the Alpha Delta Pi Christmas party, Sunday, December 10, 2006.

Filename: SRM_20061210_1901008.jpg
Aperture: f/7.1
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Body: Canon EOS 20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
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Beth Leeker, Reem Hafez, Megan Watson, Emily Skipper, Ashley Marz, and Caitlin Miller (from left) opening gifts at the Alpha Delta Pi Christmas party, Sunday, December 10, 2006. 
  • Alpha Delta Pi; ADPi; Christmas Party; Sorority; Beth Leeker; Megan Watson; Emily Skipper; Ashley Marz; Caitlin Miller; Rheem Hafez